yeah, I use androids with mobmuplat multitouch grid for note input, its not as fancybas a lumatone but with a 10" screen , 53x5 grid is playable for 53 tone per octave scales 15 22, 31, even 36 on aller screens, u can blaze through 15 tone scales on 6" android screen, anyways, i'm gonna have to look throughbthat source and tbe bevy source that microwave uses and probably write my own interface if someone doesn't beat to it.
thanks for the link.
i hate installing wine and i found out carla has this winebridge thing you can use windows vst3s and noticed wilsonic has a new isomorphic keyboard for Erv Wilson Moments of Symmetry scales so you have to install wine for the wine bridges to work , so i install wine and wilsonic and the gui doesnt work , lol. possibly can get it working customizing the winetricks winecfg, etc... i waste so much time going through my archives of old windows audio softeare contemplating whther to install cool edot pro, sonic fpundty acid, reason, etc.. and try to bring up old projects this time i installed rubber ducky from 98 one lf tbe first 303 emulators , geez back on subject , i guess ill search a bit more for multitouch keyboard linux and maybe wine , then get back at it, probably ought to just make a patch with that multitouch xy grid and play on.