Sorry for the late reply, I was in holidays.
No problem, I just wanted to be direct concerning a problem that has been affecting the nice work that you do (I am aware of all you work and I am really grateful for this, more about this in the end of this email). And in order to improve the work I would like to continue to be direct :-). So, some other observations about my experience with glitches:
I made all tests you suggested in the last months working with 2 complex projects. I've read everything concerning glitches in PD and I was working in OSX machines i5 and i7, m-audio interfaces and jack:
- The problem appears even in simple operations with of GEM objects combined with audio
- Computational power seem to hide the problem. If you share the power with other software the problems appear again.
- Increasing buffer size works in some cases but it is basically the same case of the computer power
If you want to listen to the glitches look at the first minute of this earlier version of a project installation we delivered in August. I've minimized glitches using an i7:
I will try to provide a minimum example patch, soon.
Concerning my gratitude with people in this list: I finished my PhD in 2011 and returned to Brazil. I spend 2 years trying to validate in Brazil, fighting against corruption in the university, trying to get a job (who wants to give a job to a PhD with papers, prizes, etc?) and health problems in my family. The best way I found to keep my duties with my son and normal life was to work as independent artist. Half of my income during these two years came from projects or workshops using PD. After being criticized and isolated in my reserach department because I was using "a difficult, free and not so documented software" (words from my colleagues) PD provided me very nice work possibilites back home and means to keep my moral high. I am really grateful for the community and although I am not always present here I keep spreading the word and working hard.
All the best, a great 2014 for everybody and thanks for everything.