On 08/16/2013 09:44 PM, Ed Kelly wrote:
Hi Jonathan,

I did that, but the SVN code has been hacked in a way where [tot] doesn't work. My hacks on the other hand (in the email "miXed remix" earlier - tarball enclosed) make [tot] work and other things are broken.

The files gui.c, file.c and file.h in miXed/shared/hammer and the file scriptlet.c in miXed/shared/toxy are the files that needed pd [concat etc etc] changing to pdsend [concat etc etc].

My tot works with Pd 0.44 and that means I can do some gigs soon with my tracker patches. That's good enough for me, for now, but it would be great if we could get the whole of miXed fixed up to the latest Pd standards.

What are the difference between your tarball and svn for the code that is shared among the various libraries in miXed?


I don't want to go near widget though - I got it to work once only, in 2005 on a G5 mac!
