It looks so nice on the Mac...! ;o)
It's a pity it looks way less 21th Century here on Hardy...

Well, at least Carmen's peak-meters made it into a mainstream branch. (I didn't actually check that they are the same, maybe they aren't...)

fyi I have attached the screenshot.

I have attached another screenshot that has the original visual peak-meters from Carmen. Note how they were put on the same row to save space (usually i'd rather group them the other way, but here the point was to save some space).

Nice. However, I don't feel I need so much to save space above the Console. Maybe on some limited resolutions?
Btw I can see it's a snapshot of 2009/09/06. Do I understand right that 1) dd is being actively developed these days 2) some code from it gets its way to pd?

Midi In/Out switches are an interesting concept. How did you think of that? Do you understand why those switches were never added to Pd and no-one seemed to ever suggest them? (as far as I recall...)

;o) Yes I think I understand... so far it seems I am one of the very few midi-intensive folks out these days. On the other hand, pd's GUI has been pretty much simplistic so far, what I mean is that not many thing seem to have been suggested and added over the years.

Console hiding looks like a neat idea, but somehow, I never want it, because it's important to watch the console all of the time, to figure out what's going on.

You're right. If I suddenly get console-phobia however, I have so many ways to hide it. Resizing is one of them.

- I would omit the IN/OUT meter switch. Can we? Or is this a CPU-hog?

Depends... I suppose it was more of a hog back when the switch was introduced. Computers are so much faster now. But it would be better to measure it than to speculate. 

Cool. Unfortunately I've never done TCL and my C is somewhat archaic... that's why I cannot volunteer to do these.

In my graphics they are just simple switches but I'm not sure it is possible to 'blink' those switches.

All switches are blinkable in the Linux version, and perhaps on all platforms, but it's not a good idea because the default looks of those switches are different from platform to platform and now they can vary according to theme. On Windows, the box is white and stays white, but on Linux, it defaults to the overall background colour, and turning it on makes it either dark grey or red. Given that, it's hard to also make it an indicator of something else at the same time, with colours that will be meaningful for everybody, etc.

But what would the indicator actually indicate?

They would blink on MIDI IN/OUT activity.
The switches would enable/disable MIDI input/output.

If not, then we could have separate switches and LEDs. - A LOAD meter. Is this a CPU hog?

Probably not any more than the peak meters, but this would have to be measured too.

If not, can we have it on the Pd window? (It is quite hidden under the Media menu, imho also because Media is a quite fuzzy name.)

As you can see, I have removed the Media menu. The options in it have gone into "Preferences" in the File menu (or Apple menu); otoh the test-audio and load-meter patches are now accessible from the Help menu.

Cool! While I think I completely understand the advantages of having an independent development (namely DesireData) I will be personally happy to see you positively engaging in pd GUI development as well. (I hope you take it right!)
