>  Yes, if it is not too late with Miller, I will fix the fexpr float to signal matter and
>  add avg() and Avg() before the year is over. 

Great, I have a new Pull Request now, for an update to the help file of expr, but this is mostly aesthetical as it now aligns to the new font size from 0.48-1

here it is https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/pull/272

If we have the expr updates ready for the next release, I'll also make a new Pull Request to include the new changes

I don't know if it's too late, I hope not :) - we only need the same time since the last test release was out for the end of the year, so it could be doable. I don't know what else is in plan for the final release though.


2017-12-15 21:00 GMT-02:00 Shahrokh Yadegari <sdy@ucsd.edu>:
Hi Alexandre,

I am sorry for my late reply. Yes, if it is not too late with Miller, I will fix the fexpr float to signal matter and add avg() and Avg() before the year is over. Thanks for attending to the help file.


On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 10:48 AM, Alexandre Torres Porres <porres@gmail.com> wrote:
2017-09-18 13:34 GMT-03:00 Shahrokh Yadegari <sdy@ucsd.edu>:

After receiving a few other requests for avg() and Avg() to come back, I will also soon include these functions and possibly others to the list of functions.

Well, perhaps avg() and Avg() are easy enough to come back right now as well? :)

Shahrokh Yadegari
Professor, Music Department
University of California, San Diego
Director, Sonic Arts R&D and IDEAS
Qualcomm Institute