I still have the same problem with my presets- the subpatch wherein I
write them saves its contents, which include a 12,000-element array per
preset, and when I reopen my main patch, PD doesn't read the whole
thing. It doesn't reach the length I've been told PD patches can
be, but somehow it doesn't read to the end of the patch, and none of
the connections on the main page show up, among other things. If
I open in a text editor and delete all the scalars in that canvas, it
works fine.
Is it possible to execute a command when a window closes? Say, to
send ";pd-presetmemory clear" when JI.pd is told to close?
I tried [loadbang]---[;pd-presetmemory clear( but, even though that
command showed up before the presetmemory canvas in the file, it never
reaches that point on load.
I have a button for manually clearing pd presetmemory, but I don't always hit it before I close.
"It is not when truth is dirty, but when it is shallow, that the lover of knowledge is reluctant to step into its waters."
-Friedrich Nietzsche, "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"