On May 18, 2008, at 11:30 AM, Rich E wrote:

On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 9:03 AM, Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans@eds.org> wrote:

On May 17, 2008, at 5:50 PM, Enrique Erne wrote:

> Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>> There is much that can and should be done.  Here's some ideas
>> ranked into of difficulty:
>> - file a bug report when a help patch is not working
>> - write and improve help patches, and submit them to the patch
>> tracker
> is there a convention about how to make it work? i.e. should one
> use declare, import or namespace prefix?
> i guess all help-files that are not loaded on default would need a
> declare/import/or-namespace in order to work...
> i want to contribute and help to make "all"/more helpfiles work. i
> know there is pddp but afaik it does not solve the declare/import/
> or-namespace problem.
> could all developers express their opinion and agree on how to make
> all helpfiles work? :)

Starting with the PDDP template is a good place to start:


> i'm not a developer but i would vote for declare
> i.e. [declare -stdlib mrpeach] to packOSC-help.pd
> then it would work with pd vanilla too.

This isn't working for me, using the latest pd-extended.  When I start pd with the '-verbose' flag and then use a [declare] statement, what I am declaring is not getting searched (or at least it isn't posting that it is.  Anyways, the object in that directory isn't found).

With the current [declare], you would need to do 

[declare -stdlib /full/path/to/mrpeach]
[declare -stdpath /full/path/to/mrpeach]


I think this would be a good approach, similar to python's "from x import *" mechanism, but probably not good for help files, as they could introduce nameclashes that are avoided with namespaces.

Personally, I would use namespace prefixes:   [mrpeach/packOSC].
This will make more sense when there are libraries organized around
concepts rather than authors.  So something like [osc/packOSC]

This seems appropriate for help files, as it also tells you where to find the object within the extra folder.  Sort of self-documenting. 

>> - add a search pane to the help panel
> is this done in tcl/tk? is there any documentation about that on
> puredata.info?

It is done however you want to, more or less, but I think a pure Tcl
solution would be possible, and perhaps easiest.


>> - help design and code a library format that bundles
>> objectclasses, helpfiles, manuals, examples, etc then write code
>> to index it all, and create a GUI to navigate that content
>> At this point, I think it is mostly a waste of time to do constant
>> little workarounds like moving around objects.  We should be
>> putting our scarce resources towards real improvements, not
>> temporary fixes, IMHO.
>> .hc


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