#N canvas 336 290 388 292 10; #N canvas 496 344 442 100 one 0; #N canvas 697 445 319 133 two 0; #X text 86 40 2 open the fontbomb (Edit/Font); #X text 85 21 1 close the previous window; #X text 84 58 3 choose a different font; #X text 124 95 bye bye; #X restore 36 30 pd two; #X text 102 30 and this; #X restore 37 85 pd one; #X text 33 33 there seems to be a crashing bug; #X text 34 45 when changing font sizes of non-; #X text 33 58 visible windows:; #X text 97 86 open this; #X text 34 142 when only the parent is visible it works \, when; #X text 34 159 all subpatches are visible it forks fine too; #X text 36 176 when in this patch for instance this and the; #X text 35 192 next subpatch are open it still works.; #X text 35 211 but as soon as there is this and the third layer; #X text 33 226 opened and on or more layers in between a font; #X text 34 241 change will crash pd.;