* updated to pd vanilla 0.54-1
* C: define _DARWIN_C_SOURCE with HAVE_MACHINE_ENDIAN_H to fix endianness warning on macOS, for now (hopefully not needed in future pd versions)
* C: added pdtest_portaudio example
* C: added missing pdtest example gitignore
* ObjC: modernized xcode projects, updated min deployment target to iOS 11 & macOS 10.13
* ObjC: enabled mac catalyst support (Seth Sandler)
* ObjC: added auto io handling to iOS example
* C++: fixed unused param, signed comparison, and ret type warnings (Mike Will)
* C#: NuGet packaging updates (Thomas Mayer)
* C#: MuliInstance -> MultiInstance example naming fix (Thomas Mayer)
* Python: various updates and fixes to the pygame examples (Mike Will)
* Java: updates for native arm64 support on macOS (funkyfourier)
* Makefile: use JAVA_HOME on macOS instead of /System/... path, link JavaNativeFoundation framework instead of JavaVM (funkyfourier)
* Makefile: now install m_imp.h and g_canvas.h for externals (Tiago Rezende)
* added a Rust section to the main README.md (Ali Somay)