Howdy all,

After years of on and off work, I’m pleased to announce PdParty 1.0.2 is available for download on the iOS App Store:


PdParty is an open-source iOS application for running Pure Data patches on Apple mobile devices using libpd. Directly inspired by Chris McCormick's PdDroidParty for Android and the original RjDj by Reality Jockey, PdParty takes a step further by supporting OSC (Open Sound Control), MIDI, & MiFi game controller input as well as implementing the native Pd GUI objects for a WYSIWYG patch to mobile device experience. Various scene types are supported including compatibility modes for PdDroidParty & RjDj and both patches and abstraction libraries can be managed via a built-in web server. Unlike the rise of the single-purpose audio application, PdParty is meant to provide a platform for general purpose digital signal processing via Pure Data patches.

Dan Wilcox