2016-02-15 18:23 GMT-02:00 Fred Jan Kraan
Most of cyclone are single objects files, as per pd-extended. The nettles part is a multi object library file. This seemed the simplest way to re-introduce them while avoiding the weird symbol issues. [declare] seemed more elegant than adding hexloader compliant object file names.
I'm sorry this is still hard for me to get, so I need to keep asking questions about what you mean. I guess I'm having a harder time understanding what you mean by "adding hexloader compliant object file names".
But I know this: I downlaoded zexy form deken and included it in the search path of pd vanilla 0.46-7. I can now easily load an object like [>~] without the need of the [hexloader] object, [declare] or anything.
There were also other given reasons, like this not being possible in a particular OS, but that doesn't seem to be a problem.
So, simply put, it is possible... why couldn't we do this with cyclone? Or is it quite possible but there is a choice not to do it?
Using declare is making it harder, so if there's a way to prevent it, I strongly believe, as a Pd user that we should prevent it. In fact, I have to confess that in 10 years of patching with Pd I had never needed to use [declare], this is the first time I had to read its help file. I have also written over 320 examples for my classes in Pd Extended and never had to use it.
I find it really problematic that it seems you have to include flags, know a weird name not related to "cyclone" and, worst of all, save and close your patch to reopen and then be able to get the object you want. This is really a bad choice over just being able to load the object without any of this.
please let me know of any issues I'm still not getting