Do you have Quicktime installed?
The new version of GEM needs Quicktime to load files with its codecs.


On 30/10/2011 17:45, Joe Newlin wrote:
Thanks, that stopped Pd/GEM from crashing. Now, I am  getting the following error message:

error: [pix_image]: failed to load image

This is reproducible using the [pix_image] help file and attempting to load a .JPG through the bang>openpanel method.


On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 3:16 AM, Pierre-Olivier Boulant <> wrote:

In the GEM folder if you have gem_imageMAGICK.dll then trash it, move it out or Pd or rename it. It's the one causing you grief.


On 30/10/2011 07:41, Joe Newlin wrote:
With Pd-extended 0.42.5 and GEM 0.93.1. I have pthreadVC.dll in the /bin/ directory.

The following helpfiles, included with GEM, cause pd to crash:


There are probably more, but I haven't checked because there is only so much sadness I can handle in one night.

Pd crashes when trying to open the files by:
*starting pd and navigating to the patches from the File menu
*starting pd and trying to open the patches through the help browser
*starting pd, creating a new patch, creating the object - e.g. [pix_texture] - and then right-clicking the object to open the help file
* double-clicking the file in explorer.