thanks alexandre !

I guess you need to add its path in your include paths.
yes. that helped.. cheers. so there is no way of adding space to either the start up prefs or the paths ?

All the files beginning by a dot are invisible in unix-like systems
(like MacOSX and Linux). Those in your home directory are
traditionnaly your configuration files for the various applications.
PD used to be configured this way, but this is not very user friendly
for the people that are not used to the unix way to do things. That is
why it changed for the plist thing, which is more Mac-like. But I
still configure PD on Macs using the ~/.pdrc. (~ means your home
directory, as in /Users/alex/ or /home/alex/) But you are better to
use the plist as Hans told you.

ok..the plist thing is how i learnt things, same for you with the .pdcr.. just to make sure i got it though.. a depracated file is a file like .pdcr ? ... as you see i know nothing to do with unix..

merci : )

Alexandre Quessy

alexandre r. decoupigny