Also, might be useful to link to this thread. There was some mention of a build feature in extended, and a more simple way of approaching this via a shell script.

On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 1:07 PM, Christof Ressi <> wrote:
> Often students have no administrator rights on computers, are note able to install softwares.
you don't have to 'install' Pd, just put it somewhere and launch it.
I'd suggest, just pack everything (Pd distribution + main patch + abstractions + externals) in a directory and write a startup script (and a .pdsettings file, if you use Pd 0.48).
everything except the script, readme and license should probably be in subdirectories. then zip the whole thing and it's ready for distribution. user will just have to unzip and launch the script. of course you'd need to make different bundles for each OS you want to support.
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 14. September 2017 um 13:25 Uhr
Von: "Jérôme Abel" <>
Betreff: [PD] How to build a Pd project like an application ?


I know that Pd is not standalone, but I wonder how to build an entire Pd project with libraries, externals, helps, abstractions, settings, tclplugins into an executable (not an installer).

Three goals are persistents :

  • Use Pd in schools or in workshops. Often students have no administrator rights on computers, are note able to install softwares. And we loose them when we have to download Pd + 10 needed libraries + our project.
  • Share big project
  • Do not interfere with other pd installations (like settings file, or objects location).

Some ways how big project work around these issues :

  • Egregore, which have to manage different strategies for O.S. A script launches Pd executable + libraries. Which seems the easiest way.
  • Purr Data, a modern approach, but a fork
  • CEAMMC Pd :, which seems a in-between solution

We could discuss about these solutions.

Is there a simple tutorial about building pd for each platform containing our folders, libraries, settings, tcl interface, and compress it as a folder for instance ? Is it possible to build from just one computer (x-compilation) ? Sub-purpose would be to maintain all project in order to be up to date : download or update Pd and all needed libraries for each platform (Deken seems not allowing that now)

Thanks for any tip.

Sharing knowledges : I'm not "compilation-friendly", if some people are interested to go deeper inside Pd, we could organize like an online learning session (master class) with a Pd Yoda Master ? We could document this.


Jérôme Abel
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