I'd like to focus on a central point of this discussion.
Seems like Lucas is just hoping to add a new fonts metric settings to Pd. Ok, doing that may raise many complicated issues, like changing a lot of stuff so you can set it one way or the other... And he can go ahead and make a plug in for that... but maybe
we could also just talk about if we can change the font metrics for good, hard code it to that, so it aligns to the way Pd Extended and Purr Data work.
Changing the metrics from Vanilla to extended's/purr data's doesn't compromise the patch as the other way around dows, I already pointed this out.
It'll look different, sure, but it's not like vanilla's look is so sacred, I mean, we still don't have the same fonts for every platform... we already have issues within the distribution itself, where a patch from Mac OS overlaps
in linux/windows... all sorts of things, I don't see this as a sacred cow going to the slaughter!
On the other hand, opening extended patches in the vanilla metrics does compromise the visual experience a lot, creating all sorts of overlaps.
if sticking to one is the way to go, for sake of simplicity and maintaining that code (a good point), makes a lot sense that vanilla sticks to the metrics and looks of extended and purr data...
I only see advantages, cause the way it is right now, just drives these forks apart...
And I, for one, am not willing to work on different documentation and patches for vanilla and purr data, cause it'd be too crazy... I'll stick to one, and I choose the old extended and new purr data way, as they're convenient to