It requires a JavaVM of course ( Wether your distro offers that or not, you can install it. Processing is JavaVM-dependent and not OS-dependent since java is available for almost everything.


That was my point. I think I have used processing with other VMs (icedtea, openJDK, ...)  but I can confirm that later this week.

On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 8:17 PM, Michal Seta <> wrote:
On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 2:53 PM, Pedro Lopes <> wrote:
> Processing (i don't like to type it with 55 =P but I know its the
> original...)

Actually, a few years ago the project has deliberately switched to the
non-l33t spelling of the name of the project so "Proce55ing" and
"Processing" are 2 different products.  The latter is obsolete.

> is completly transparent to OS. It works normally with Linux,
> just grab it and launch it. Its java... so its JavaVM and OS-independent.

I may be wrong but I believe that Processing will require Sun's Java
in order to work correctly which is not installed be default with some
Linux distributions.


Pedro Lopes