 your attached patch doesn't crash pd, it just seems to work even if I don't know yet what to do with it, because I would like to open an image file for texturing
the openGL geos.

I might have been confused during all the tests I've done because  [GEMglLoadName] doesn't crash.

I also believed that glLoadName could solve this image loading for
glBindTexture problem, but apparently it's related to something else.

[GEMglGenTexture] crashes after object creation with the patch I have attached (I've added a "_" to not crash).

Without having any GEM documentation for openGL huge set of functions,
 it's very difficult to find out how to make them working,
then I am trying to follow openGL scripting tutorials and re-interpret them
with GEM objects.

 This method often brings some errors,
 and these errors are making harder to do something expected.

I am suspecting that GEM is able to change openGL configuration,
is that right?

It would be very sympathic to have a place where we could share openGL
patches, or a cvs folder, or a more consistent openGL folder in GEM doc...

I am using the last windows version of gem, downloaded from official site,
and didn't make some tests yet with the linux version.

 Also if any developper of Win32 last version of GEM is reading,
  [hsv2rgb] doesn't work anymore.

many thanks for the attention, and for the attached patch.


james tittle <tigital@mac.com> a écrit :
On Jul 11, 2006, at 4:15 AM, patco wrote:

> I am trying to use [GEMglBindTexture] for texturing but the
> associated GL objects doesn't work with the last GEM version for
> windows:
> GEMglLoadName crashes
> GEMglGenTextures crashes
> then I don't understand how to associate an image
> to texture integer in second input of glBindTexture.
> Any help appreciated

...which version of Gem are you using? GEMglLoadName doesn't crash
with cvs, but nothing has changed with that object since it was first
committed, I think...I've attached a small patch that worked here...

...as far as GEMglGenTextures, I'll look into that (don't have time
to try it out right now)

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