True, the abandoned 2.3.1 libLeap.dylib isn't built for arm64. But there's always Rosetta... In a funny cluster of circumstances, under macOS 12.6 it's actually only M1 machines that can connect with the Leap controller. The OS doesn't recognize it, but M1 users have a hacky option: go to "Recalibrate Device" in Leap settings then restart the machine. Upon restart, the device is recognized. This doesn't work for Intel macs, so we've got a situation where the only Leap library build option is for the architecture that can't recognize the device: great. I have no idea of the behavior under macOS 13. It may be that Leap hardware is a complete no-go there.

On Wed, Dec 28, 2022 at 8:24 AM João Pais <> wrote:
... but not yet with the M1 processors (wink wink)

> I think Max users can use pd~ to run this.
> cheers
> Miller
> On Sun, Dec 25, 2022 at 06:08:44PM -0500, William Brent wrote:

William Brent

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