Say I have a full sine and a full cosine cycle stored in two tables. I'm trying the following to get a sinusoid from [rifft~] but it doesn't work.
[*~ sizeOfTable - 3]
[+~ 1]
| \
| [tabread4~ sine]
| \
[tabread4~ cosine]
| \
| [tabreceive~ hann]
| |
[*~ ]
[/~ 1536]
I've set the block size to 1024 in this subpatch, and there's a hann window in the parent patch as well. The tables have three guard points, that's why I'm multiplying [phasor~] by the size of the table minus three and then add one.
The output of this is a waveform with very low amplitude that kind of bounces up and down within a sine like mask. Don't know if I'm making my self clear. My main question is, how do you get a sinusoid out of a sine and a cosine? Also, what's wrong in my approach?