Hi, if i start pd and then i try the gem help files first, everything works fine. 
But if i start pd and then i try the gem examples or whatever pd/gem patch i have , it doesnt work(the gem windows always appears black) , even if after that i try the gem.help patches.

The only way to make it work is starting pd and first trying one gem help file, then my other gem patches works fine.

Any idea if this wierd behaivor?


El domingo, 31 de mayo de 2020, IOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig@iem.at> escribió:
Am 31. Mai 2020 09:54:04 MESZ schrieb Ronni Montoya <ronni.montoya@gmail.com>:
>  The problem
> is
> that when i create a window i only get a black window

that's expected behaviour.
you must instruct Gem to actually draw something.

> and i cannot see
> anything else and nothing works.

aha. not sure how I should react.
so I try with: "works for me"  ;-)

if you try the help-patches, do you get something?


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