On Apr 13, 2011, at 10:59 AM, Daniel Roviriego wrote:
The only way I suceeded was executing the binary straight from the source:
cd to your src directory:
$ cd /usr/src/pd-0.43/bin/
$ ./pd
I still have some doubts on setting 0.43 to find the right tcl version, once 2 gui plugins (gtk open/save and kiosk) don't find those:
UNHANDLED ERROR: version conflict for package "Tcl": have 8.4, need 8.5
while executing
"package require Tcl 8.5"
Oddly, other gui-plugins that also require tcl 8.5, loaded smoothly ( autocompletion-plugin, menubar-plugin and buttonbar-plugin)
2011/4/13 olsen
<sesselastronaut@googlemail.com> got the same error on a fresh install pd-vanilla on ubuntu 10.10- configure & install no problemo but starting pd hangs up:
was... 1
Error in startup script: couldn't read file "/usr/local/lib/pd/tcl//pd-gui.tcl": no such file or directory
watchdog: signaling pd...
i've tk8.5 and tcl8.5 installed
any hints welcome
ø On 03/22/2011 12:02 PM, saint wrote:
Configure and make seem to go fine but when I try to launch...
Error in startup script: couldn't read file "/usr/local/lib/pd/tcl//pd-gui.tcl": no such file or directory
...perhaps I'm missing something? I'm no Linux expert.
Thanks, John.
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Daniel Roviriego
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