I've added  a macOS 32bit 0.48.0-test1 build using the normal (old, included) Tk 8.4 wish: http://docs.danomatika.com/pdbuilds/

On Jul 15, 2017, at 11:02 AM, pd-list-request@lists.iem.at wrote:

I notice it looks quite differently in Mac OS, like there is a new font, but it still seems it is Monaco. But the font size is smaller and the boxes are thinner and wider. A subpatch will also have an extra space to the right after the text/name of the subpatch.

You are seeing the retina rendering with a newer Tk, which still has those font issues as the rendered box size does not quite fit the font. I haven't been able to track down a fix yet.

It's weird, though, as this shouldn't be the default yet and Pd should still be using 8.4 which is pixelated on retina screens but has correct object sizing.

Miller, how did you build the mac distribution app?

Dan Wilcox