Alex - any cyclone stuff in the works that might be like filtergraph in max?
No, but I guess we could "steal" from this object and include it in cyclone as a starting point for a proper clone of max's filtergraph~
Now, when I say "we", I'm not a part of it, so count me out actually :) - First cause it's out of my skills, but you know I'm not the only one working with cyclone; there are two other guys (Derek and Matt) who do the actual hardcore programming, and there is room for anybody else to join in and give us a hand coding ANY new object considered important.
Secondly, even if I could do it, I'd also be out cause personally I don't really care for this GUI (I think there are others more important and missing in Pd, like matrixctrl). But anyone is welcome to help doing it, this is what I'm saying ;) - though I wish that any GUI new development in cyclone would be applied to other objects I consider having a bigger priority.
Now, as long as we're at it, the new cyclone has new objects that I included, like [cyclone/filtercoeff~] and [cyclone/biquad~]. So [filtergraph~] is the only thing missing... Again, I don't really care much for that, I'm happy to set the cutoff frequency and Q with a number box only, I don't need a graph to see what is coming out, I already know what a bandpass is and what the Q does to it, I need my ears more than my eyes and I wonder if anyone misses seeing that during a performance - seems like it is only useful for didactic reasons, or if you're testing some formulas and biquad coefficients of your own.
Well, now that I'm at it, I'd also like to say how I think the [filtercoeff~] + [biquad~] design seems more complicated than it should, if you're going for user friendliness. It's cool you can have more than one filter with the same object and switch around, but most the time you'll be using just one of them anyway... this is why I'm designing new filters on a new library of mine, and now I have all these filters as dedicated modules, such as [bandpass~], [lowpass~], [highpass~], [lowshelf~], etc... all taking audio inlets to control the parameters.
I think this is in fact much more friendly, that is why I'm caring to design them. And I find this more important than bothering on the supposed friendliness of a filtergraph~ object. Yet once again, you can't see cute graphs or play with them, but being a musician who's been playing with filters live for a long time, I never felt that need...
So, I haven't mentioned this new work of mine on this list because it is still at an early alpha stage, and I might change some stuff before the final version (I'm aiming for a release around september). But anyway, here it goes...