>From: András Murányi <muranyia@gmail.com>
>To: PD List <pd-list@iem.at>
>Sent: Wed, June 30, 2010 2:25:04 PM
>Subject: Re: [PD] Problem with Textfile and line with float
>You can also see what Chris McCormick's s-abstractions can do for you. I use s-map to handle big 'tables' (many rows of long lists they are). It doesn't need 'list' at the beginning of the lines :)

The [textfile] object, which is used inside [s-map], doesn't need 'list' at the beginning of the lines, either. 
However, once [textfile] outputs a message that looks like ill-formed to Pd, you'll get an error and
won't be able to do anything with the data.  (Try reading text-float.txt from the original post with [s-map]
and sending it a "find x" message-- you'll get the error originally mentioned in this thread.)
Since it's impossible to know whether an arbitrary text file will generate ill-formed messages when
output by [textfile], it'd be useful if there were an object that could output each line of a text file as a list (or
maybe there already is an external that does this?).
"float foo 1 2 3" in text file -> "list float foo 1 2 3" in Pd
"symbol foo" in text file -> "list symbol foo" in Pd
"list" -> "list list"
"bang" -> "list bang"
Then something like [s-map] could take a list output by such an object and use [list split 1] to get at
the first element of the data without any error.
(I was about to try screwing around with the code of [textfile] to see if I could achieve this with my
[lack of] c skills, but my linux box just died.)