Sorry...I forgot to attach patches!


2007/12/29, raul diaz <>:
Hi again!

I'm working on a patch as interface for Pulsar Grain Synthesis based on a variation of nullpointer abstractions (good work Tom!):


I'm making some functions (constant, ramp up/down, triangle, sine, gaussian, etc) to store on tables for parameters control.
I've made an abstraction to store an array with selected name which stored this functions [p-table1].
[p-tables] abstraction dynamically create six of this abstractions.
But my problem is that: I have to send a bang to the [p-table1] abstraction after it have been created to change array name and canvas label.
I send this bang by [send $1-bang] but it doesn't work.
I'm begin to make my patches too much complicated and I can't find the problem.

Somebody know what's the problem?

Raul Diaz Poblete
Barcelona [Spain]

Raul Diaz Poblete
Barcelona [Spain]