Hi Everyone,

I’m looking to compile an external that’s using the flext development layer. It’s called gendy

I need to compile it with a target architecture of armv7 and to compile it as a static library.

The only thing I was able to do so far was to compile it as a dynamic library for macOS. Everything works great in that executable.

So far I’m pretty much familiar with how flext builds externals and I have managed to try some different things by editing its buildsys/config- files. But when I change the arch to armv7 my compilation fails.

/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h:707:2: error: Unsupported architecture

My config-mac-pd-gcc looks like this:

# where is the PD installation including source code?
#  (this should point to the main folder, which has a "src" (PD Vanilla) or  "include" (PD extended) subfolder)

#  where is the PD executable?


#  prefix for flext installation
# headers are in  $(FLEXTPREFIX)/include/flext
# libraries are in $(FLEXTPREFIX)/lib
#  build system is in $(FLEXTPREFIX)/lib/flext



#  where should the external be built?

# where  should the external be installed?


#  STK (synthesis tool kit) support
#  http://ccrma.stanford.edu/software/stk

# where to find the STK  header files (e.g. stk.h)

#  where to find the STK library (normally libstk.a)
# (comment out  STK_LIB if you don't use STK)


#  SndObj support
# http://music.nuim.ie//musictec/SndObj

#  where to find the SndObj header files (e.g. sndobj.h)

#  where to find the SndObj library (normally libsndobj.a)
# (comment  out SNDOBJ_LIB if you don't use SndObj)


#  make flags (e.g. use multiprocessor)

# user  defined compiler flags

# user defined linker flags

# user defined optimization flags

#  user defined debugging flags

# architecture-specific  flags (optional)
UFLAGS_ppc += -faltivec
OFLAGS_ppc +=
DFLAGS_ppc  +=

UFLAGS_i386 +=
OFLAGS_i386 +=
DFLAGS_i386 +=

UFLAGS_x86_64  +=
OFLAGS_x86_64 += 
DFLAGS_x86_64 += 

# cross-compilation  (optional)
ARCH=armv7 # ppc ppc64

# SDK for 10.6

I would appreciate it if anyone who’s done something similar before can help!
