Before we start arguing about this, I really would be shocked to find out that Ubuntu/oneiric does not install Recommends: by default. That would really break a lot of things since lots of things that most people need are just Recommends: and not Depends:.
So I did a little investigation. It turns out that gdebi, python-apt, and perhaps some other GUIs ignore Recommends... Since many people directly download the .deb file from, they'll be installing it using a GUI like gdebi. And therefore no Recommends: gets installed.
That was enough for me to move tk8.5 from Recommends: to Depends: for Pd-extended.
On Feb 14, 2012, at 7:11 PM, John Harrison wrote:
How many people would chose to use ubuntu Oneiric, use a pre-built binary for Pd-extended, AND not have X? I would hope that small group would reconsider using Oneiric for something a bit more streamlined and would likely be compiling their own minimalist Pd --- certainly not Pd-extended.
I could more easily except the answer of leaving it as "Recommends" if Pd did not use X by default or at least if it returned an error message (in an X window if run from an X window) describing the missing dependency.
While one probably exists, I know of no other pre-built binaries in ubuntu which intentionally are missing dependencies preventing them from running in their default modes. Pd's default is to use X.
I think vlc might get around this by having a separate vlc-nox binary? If we really have to have binaries for ubuntu that don't depend on tk, I'd recommend that route.
On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 3:57 PM, Roman Haefeli
<> wrote:
On Tue, 2012-02-14 at 15:11 -0600, John Harrison wrote:
> Then that would be the case for all stock Oneirics. I think it should be
> depends. This will be confusing for novice users, such as those using stock
> setups.
If it would be a 'Depends:', then there wouldn't be a way to install
Pd(-extended) without pulling in a whole X-server setup. I think it
should stay a 'Recommends:'.
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