Hi Martin,

Is this with Maxbotic and if so which one?  I'm going to be running the sensor with an RPi as standalone so presume it's a similar setup (I believe comport runs fine on RPi)

Would you mind letting me have a look at a patch for translating the input data (if you use/need one).  I know from utilising xbees that the input data was tricky to parse - to me anyway.



On 12 March 2013 13:23, Martin Peach <martin.peach@sympatico.ca> wrote:
On 2013-03-12 08:58, Julian Brooks wrote:

I'm after some advice:

For an installation piece I'd like to do I'm investigating range finder
sensors (for outdoors).

Has anyone experience of the Maxbotic URF's and any tips they'd like to
share for getting the data into Pd?

I connect them to the analog inputs of an Arduino and send the data to Pd which reads it using [comport].
