Joining late to the party...
Being the culprit (I wrote the threaded addition to the coll object) I am curious--Alexandre, do you mind elaborating how did the threaded thing break max-msp compatibility? If you create a coll object without the optional arg, you get Max behavior. If you add the optional arg you get threaded which theoretically breaks determinacy in favor of avoiding dropping samples due to file I/O in the middle of a performance.
Tests in Max that stand out:
Reading and writing coll files while sound is running does not cause xruns in Max, whereas in Pd it can depending on the size of the coll file and CPU utilization.
You are right in that determinacy is preserved in Max no matter
what (e.g. read outlet bang outputs immediately after issuing the
read message in logical time).
Doing Uzi with 100k generated entries into coll object in Max and I get guaranteed crashes from these on both 6 and 7.
oh, I had read that :) - so, same here, with my new help file, no error!
something weird about that help file... don't ask me either
2017-01-25 16:04 GMT-02:00 Lucas Cordiviola <>:
>>But I never tried that, instead I found and obsure solve, cant remember, it is somewhere at the list archive.
>yeah, we should find it :)
It`s here:
Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.
From: Alexandre Torres Porres <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 2:53 AM
To: Lucas Cordiviola
Subject: Re: [PD] [coll] bug
2017-01-24 18:51 GMT-02:00 Lucas Cordiviola <>:
I though at that time that the problem migth come cuz in the help there are multiple [coll] & they all share not having a name, I thougt that giving some diff names could solve the help patch problem.
I have many unnamed coll object in my newly written help file, and it doesn't give that error, so maybe it's not that...
But I never tried that, instead I found and obsure solve, cant remember, it is somewhere at the list archive.
yeah, we should find it :)
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