Hi Guys,

I had the great great pleasure of seeing 'Harmonia' earlier this year, and was absolutely blown away. I rushed out and downloaded (I guess in reality I rushed IN then) their two studio albums, but I don't believe they're as good as what I saw. Here's a short clip to give you a rough idea of what it was like:


My question is only tenuously related to pd, but I've found this list such a useful authority on all things electronic music related that I just thought I'd ask-can anyone point me in the direction of other bands doing this kind of thing (the modern clip of Harmonia)? By 'this kind of thing' I mean beat based (and I love how Harmonia's pieces are often mid tempo-not slow and ambient or fast and dancy), with interesting electronic textures, but most of all with interesting gestures-as opposed to more shapeless ambience or shapeless chaos. Or just anything you think sounds like them (now).  I'd greatly appreciate it.


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