my work around for organelle has been to remove the gate in iemlib completely 

iemlib is crucial for many things related to filter and modulo_counter gets a ton of use as well recently 

Patrick Pagano B.S, M.F.A

Assistant Professor in Residence

Digital Media & Design

Web & Interactive Technologies

University of Connecticut, Stamford


From: Pd-list <> on behalf of Alexandre Torres Porres <>
Sent: Monday, December 4, 2017 8:06:59 AM
To: IOhannes m zmoelnig
Subject: Re: [PD] Force cyclone/gate instead of iemlib1/gate
2017-12-04 7:19 GMT-02:00 IOhannes m zmoelnig <>:

the only rule of thumb is to inspect the library folder, and if you see
many (or no) {dll|pd_darwin|pd_linux}s files you should use "-path", and
if there are only a very few (usually one(1)) with the name of the
library, then you should use "-lib".

True, but there are also exceptions, like in cyclone, which currently has a sub-library containing non alpha numeric characters, and you need to add this lib if you want them (and it also needs to be in a library for that). It might be the only one case like that. And, yeah, ideally it should be all just one library or separate files, but we can't do that, so you need both the -path and -lib
