Well, for those who don't know, cyclist converts binary max files to text so they could be opened in Pd.
It was part of cyclone up to alpha56 (included in the last extended 0.43-4) but removed along with maxmode library in cyclone alpha57 and 0.2beta1. Other things removed then as build targets are the hammer and sickle libraries, as well as the cyclone library
- which included non alphanumeric objects that would also be lost, but were then included into a new library called "nettles".
Now, cyclist works well with the maxmode library, which, as I mentioned, has been discarded.
But I see now that cyclone 02.beta3, available only for windows, has cyclist back on, though maxmode is still out of the game. Not sure why and how good it'd be to have it without maxmode, and I also find confusing that there are conflicting versions up
in deken (beta1 for mac/linux and beta3 for windows).
Sometime ago it was discussed on this list wether maxmode was being used at all before removing it from cyclone. I had the idea that this was relevant over a decade ago, but that today was probably best forgotten for many issues regarding compatibility
between max and pd files... so I voted for its death.
Me, Matt and Derek are working on the cyclone code and still feel that way about maxmode, but also about cyclist. We plan to leave it in the code base but not as build targets, just as "old and not used anymore legacy code from cyclone" in a maintenance
But we're restoring the cyclone library name to keep the non alphanumeric objects there as it used to be until alpha56, or in the latest Pd-Extended distributions still in use out there.
but the main question in our reorganising is that if keeping cyclist out of the build system along maxmode (as it is the case with the current canonical 0.2beta1 versions for linux and mac) a good idea as we think it is.