You need to have the devices in /dev/input/event*, otherwise [hid] won't work at all.  Check the archives of this list for more information, this question has been answered a number of times.


On Jun 3, 2007, at 4:33 AM, Diego Azar wrote:

Hans, thanks again: now I succeded in compiling. After that I copied the sugested files to /extra and loaded the hid succesfully.
What now is wrong is that pd crashes when I want to access the mouse or keyboard objects. When using the hid object itself it seems ok,but it can't find a usefull device (it doesen't find anything in /dev/input/event[num]. I remember that I had this same problem with the linuxevent object some time ago).

Do I have to load other libraries (like cyclone, pddp,etc) to run hid properly or can I have it alone with a base pd?

Thanks again, Diego

Hans-Christoph Steiner <>

I think syn_report and syn_config are interchangable, IIRC.

You'll get all the files you need if you try the 'rsync' method listed in the "Checking out the code from CVS" section of this page:

That's the code that is built every night in the auto-build farms.


On May 30, 2007, at 3:04 PM, Diego Azar wrote:

Hi Hans and thanks, but I get the same error. I read the .c file you sent me and I noticed that the only differences with the one I had are the size and name of the char * where "syn_report" and "syn_config" are defined. Am I right?

Thanks again, Diego.

Hans-Christoph Steiner <> wrote:

Well, here's perhaps an easier way: I just attached the two files:


On May 28, 2007, at 11:55 PM, Diego Azar wrote:

> Hi, I`m having some problems compiling [hid] on a (linux,
> debian based). Is there anything like a "how to" or something with
> this issue.
> When I do the make it sais: "input_arrays.h:5: *** missing
> separator. stop."
> I did the make like the one in the README with the corresponding
> directories of my pc.
> make INCLUDE=/usr/lib/pd/src PDEXECUTABLE=/usr/lib/pd test -f
> input_arrays.h || ./
> Thanks.
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