On Mit, 2018-02-07 at 09:46 -0500, Martin Peach wrote:
> Maybe there's a way to force all the Pd-related processes to run on
> the same core, as it could be that the transfer of memory from one to
> the other causes glitches, so if jackd is on a different core than Pd
> there will be latency as they transfer access to the buffer from one
> to the other. Just guessing...
I tried:
* turning hyperthreading off
* putting pd and jackd on the same core
* putting pd and jackd on different cores
but those configurations don't seem to affect the current situation at
Please someone correct me here, but I think it does not matter if pd
and jackd run on the same core, since they seem to communicate through
/dev/shm, so there is no gain to be made by being closer together. I'd
say it makes even sense to separate them so that overall more CPU power
is available for both.
Also, the fact the running x instances of 'yes' in the background helps
indicates that the problem is not the communication between pd and