Idk much about it but It seems like if you knew the port number you could maybe send some message to the gui with [netsend]?
perhaps using the -guiport or -guicmd startup flags somehow?
if you can use externals you can send [wm geometry .pdwindow +400+200( to [hcs/sys_gui] (where 400 is x-pixels and 200 is y-pixels)
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter P. <>
Sent: Wed, Apr 14, 2021 1:32 am
Subject: Re: [PD] size and position of PD window
* oliver <> [2021-04-14 10:21]:
> hi, dear list !
> is there a way to change the PD-console-window's position and size with a
> message form within a patch ?
None known to me, but I hope the others have an idea.
Nevertheless, if you are on Linux, there is ways to change the
properties of X windows after they were created with tools such as
xdotool, wmctrl, etc.
cheersz, P