Hi Alan,

If libgsl is the problem, you could try to disable it manually:

make clean
./configure --enable-mmx --disable-gsl

This just removes some experimental matrix code that should probably be removed in the first place.


On 05/24/2013 06:43 AM, Alan Brooker wrote:
Hi Tom,

Okay got PDP to compile and using with PD vanilla -I have pd-l2ork installed in usr/local/lib- to install the new PDP with pd-l2ork options do I enter at compile?

Thanks again

On Sat, May 18, 2013 at 4:57 PM, Tom Schouten <tom@zwizwa.be> wrote:
Are there multiple libgsl libraries linked?
Who is the other user of libgsl?
If this is a problem I could probably upgrade the GSL to a new version, or disable it since I'm not sure if it is used in anything else but the experimental defunct matrix stuff.

On 03/15/2013 06:13 PM, oscar santis wrote:
I've solved the problem in Pd-extended 0.43.4 loading path /usr/lib/pd-extended/extra/pdp Using this method it's possible to load composed abstractions like pdp_contrast. But in Pd Vanilla 0.43.0-4 pdp have conflicts with ligsl. (/usr/lib/pd/extra/pdp.pd_
linux: /usr/lib/libgsl.so.0: undefined symbol: cblas_dasum
pdp: can't load library)

2013/3/14 oscar santis <pelaosantis@gmail.com>
I have the same problem in pd-extended


2013/3/14 Pagano, Patrick <pat@digitalworlds.ufl.edu>

get the working version from the pd-extended download


From: pd-list-bounces@iem.at [pd-list-bounces@iem.at] on behalf of oscar santis [pelaosantis@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2013 11:25 AM
To: pd-list@iem.at
Subject: [PD] can't load pdp

I can't load pdp in Pure Data 0.43.0-4 and Pure Data 0.43.4-extended. I work with Ubuntustudio 12.04 running in an Acer Aspire One.
In vanilla I wrote pdp at startup setting and console says

/usr/lib/pd/extra/pdp.pd_linux: /usr/lib/libgsl.so.0: undefined symbol: cblas_dasum
pdp: can't load library

I installed pd-pdp from repository and libgsl0ldbl


óscar santis
escultor, pintor, ruidista
tel: ++ 56 9 84280381

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