Ok, as long as we're on it, here's another thing I found while patching around. Probably related to the last crazy behaviour I just described, but something on its own.

It is simpler than phase vocoding, it's just something weird about sampling into arrays and playing with [tabread4~]. Well, maybe there's a relation to the bug I just reported (check my last email sent to the list please), because that uses [tabread4~] as well.

So, if I record onto a a somewhat big array, there comes a time where it just fails completely when playing it through [tabread4~], but not with [tabplay~]. It also does not show it anymore after that particular point in the array itself. The point is around 380 seconds (6 minutes and 20 seconds).

So in this example I have a table that resizes to 400 seconds. You can open the table object and see that the last bit of it is not being displayed visually.

Well, I as first going to report this as "I can't hear it all all after that 380 seconds point". But somehow, the way I'm patching it now in this example still plays it, but completely ruined...

By the way, when I can't hear it at all is when I'm using my big phase vocoder based patch... which also uses [tabread4~]. So, not sure why or if it actually stops playing there or not, but the important thing is that something quite fishy happens at the same time, around 380 seconds, the point in which the array does not display anymore.

So, in this example I'm sending, it still plays, but rather ruined. Although there is a pretty clear relationship on how the array displays itself, weirdly enough, if I play it through [tabplay~], it is all fine and good.

Check example at: https://sites.google.com/site/porres/tabread4%7E.bug.pd

So you can check the patch I have, you can load a big file into it (6 minutes and a half at least), or if you have nothing like that at all you can just record the oscillator into the table as I have set there. And you can check yourself that this is happening the way I describe, but the question is:

- What a hell is wrong with [tabread4~]??? Does it have something to do with that other bug I pointed regarding the phase vocoder? Anyway, in the Phase Vocoder, the problem happens way before 6:20, at around 47 seconds only, but the way it ruins the sound seems related...

Question number 2... why doen't the array display itself for more than 380 seconds? how is this related to the way [tabread4~] fails?

Thanks for the attention.

Cheers from Brasil
