Sorry, "reply" instead of "reply all" again.
Well, it seemed impossible to me, but here what I found in d_math.c (pd
0.40.0 or something, I'm a bit lazy to look for version):
static t_int *sigwrap_perform(t_int *w)
float *in = *(t_float **)(w+1), *out = *(t_float **)(w+2);
t_int n = *(t_int *)(w+3);
while (n--)
float f = *in++;
int k = f;
if (f > 0) *out++ = f-k;
else *out++ = f - (k-1);
return (w + 4);
Here it definitely says:
if f <= 0 then return f - ((int f) - 1) = f - (int f) + 1 = frac(f) + 1
which is 1 for each non-positive int, of course, and assumes
float-to-int conversions (int k = f) take 'neares to zero' which seems
a dangerous assumption for me (I guess, it should return frac(f) + 1,
where 0<=frac<1 for each negative number; perhaps, some compiler
flags fix it, it depends on compiler, but for integers the result is
always 1).
I think, the whole situation is worthy a bug report.