Well I had tried the pix_2pdp route already. This is what I get -
please see below. Had a look inside the Pd-0.38.4-extended-RC8 OSX
package and there is the pix_2pdp.pd_darwin object in extras. Is this
easy to fix?
As well what would be the most straightforward way to replace the quicktime library? I do have a copy of pdp_pidip_osx.tar.gz.
On Apr 18, 2006, at 10:50 AM, Dave Leith wrote:
> Hi and thanks for your assistance
> Well sorry to be stubborn and a pain but I still can't get any
> codec to work. I had already tried all codecs but I re-tried them
> all again making sure to follow your suggestions. I used both
> Quicktime 6.5 Pro and Jitter to create the .mov files. I also
> experimented with argb and YUV. Always the same. Some examples below:
> As well I experimented with other RC versions (RC5,6, and the
> newer .39 tests). Version RC7 would recognize most codecs as OK in
> the console, then crash after about 30 sec. The newer .39 test
> don't correctly load PDP/PiDiP. Info below as well:
> I removed everything and reinstalled the OSX PD and X11. What can I
> try next?
...ok, so I tried some old files that used to work with pdp_qt/
pdp_yqt, but they don't currently: I can only guess that the fink
version of libquicktime that I compiled the RC8 version of pdp/pidip
has screwed up something...
...however, you could always use open the file in gem with
[pix_film], then feed that into [pix_2pdp], process with pdp/pidip,
and finally return it to gem with [pdp2gem]...you're especially lucky
if you have the latest cvs of gem and pix_2pdp/pdp2gem, because I
recently made the YUV/YV12 conversions fully altivec'ed (as are
...another thing to note is that no matter what you use, you will get
better performance if your movies have dimensions that are multiples
of 16, like 320x240, 640x480, 336x224, etc...this will ensure the
altivec path, and generally makes the cpu and memory managers much