I would love to see this idea expanded or developed. The issue i have run into over and over again is that pd would need to be CUED from patch to patch so one could design a linear show. I have not seen this possible the way it's designed. For this reason i use Isadora, http://troikatronix.com/http://troikatronix.com/

Patrick Pagano B.S, M.F.A
Audio and Projection Design Faculty
Digital Worlds Institute
University of Florida, USA

From: Pd-list [pd-list-bounces@mail.iem.at] on behalf of Alexandre Quessy [alexandre@quessy.net]
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2014 12:06 PM
To: Cyrille Henry
Cc: pd-list@mail.iem.at
Subject: Re: [PD] Approaches to "show control" platforms

Hello everyone,
I am very interested in show control, and I have been dreaming about developing a complete set of open source show control software since years. 

I think that Pd could be part of a backend, but it lacks some features of a sturdy "real" programming language. Namely: a unit testing framework, multi-threading, etc. 

I think that the ideal GUI for a show control application should be Web-based. It would allow it to be distributed. I have already done such distributed Web GUI applications in the past. I am very satisfied with it!

I am not sure how we could find some money to develop such a set of tools, but please let me know if anyone is interested in thinking about this seriously. Let's start a mailing list and get our brain thinking and our hands writing code!


2014-11-16 8:24 GMT-05:00 Cyrille Henry <ch@chnry.net>:

Le 13/11/2014 11:10, João Martins a écrit :
Hi there, list!

Besides using PD for sound design and programming/composition tools, I've always thought it could be a great platform for "show control", replacing commercial apps like Qlab and others. For those of you who are not familiar with this sort of tools, they are built to streamline the process of "cueing" a performance (theater is my main focus).
Cues can be playing, pausing, fading in or out given audio files (and panning, filtering, etc), sending out DMX or MIDI signal for light consoles, as well as playing, pausing, fading in or out given video files. Live video and audio are also possibilities.
Each function is apparently simple to implement and I've used some experimental patches in shows of my own, but I've met some resistance from "conventional" technicians. Some testing with Qlab, has led me to the conclusion that a Pd solution could be built and useful, but it would need a simpler GUI for the final control aspects, to resemble as close as possible existing paradigms (some sort of hybrid between an audio mixing board and the normal controls on a CD/audio player, the cueing principles of lighting systems and existing video mixing consoles).
A modular system would be perfect for this, and I'm trying to figure out how to start.
With such a broad community of users, I'm sure some attempts at this have already been made and I'm not interested in reinventing the wheel.
So, if any of you can point me to existing projects with similar features and objectives I'd appreciate it and try to contribute as best as I can.

you can have a look at my "linear cue system"


nothing special, but it fit my needs.


Thank you all,

João Martins

João Pedro Martins
música . web design
mail: joaomartins@mac.com <mailto:joaomartins@mac.com>
skype: joaopsmartins
ichat: joaomartins
msn: joaopsmartins

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Alexandre Quessy - 亚历山大 - ألكسندر
http://alexandre.quessy.net - Artiste en nouveaux médias
http://perte-de-signal.org - Membre de Perte de signal
http://sourcelibre.net - Développement logiciel et conception de sites Web
http://labalab.ca - Impliqué dans LabàLab - communauté de pratique en arts numériques