This would totally work. I use [wchars2any], [any2bytes] and [binfile] to load and parse csv files within pd, see [csvfile-help] here 

You need to write instead of read, but it's pretty easy. You mainly want to use [any2wchars] to convert symbols & floats to binary and ascii code 44 to add a coma. You can send a newline ascii code at the end of each line ... done. Consult your ASCII table for more.

On Jun 26, 2012, at 12:47 PM, Martin Peach wrote:

You could probably get somewhere using [moocow/any2bytes] and [mrpeach/binfile].


On 2012-06-26 12:22, Mirko Maier wrote:
ok, hoped for a solution within pd(extended on windows).


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Tue, 26 Jun 2012 18:03:29 +0200
Von: Jack <>
An: Mirko Maier <>
Betreff: Re: [PD] comma into a textfile

Le 26/06/2012 18:00, Mirko Maier a ̩crit :
It is a normal that you get a comma in your text file when you use
'write' message on [textfile].
Because Pd escape the comma to read it back with [textfile].
But you shouldn't get this \ when you 'read' this same text file with

yeah, but i want to read the written text file then in another software
(lilypond), and there the backslash is bad...


So, remove backslashes with a bash script (for example) when you save
the text file with 'write' message.


Dan Wilcox