Hi Koray,
that sounds really great - congratulations on your research stay!
I definitely would join you for everything of your list if i only were in London - however, there are no plans yet that i will be there ;-)
Hope to see you again in the near future!
all the best, Thomas

2013/2/7 Koray Tahiroğlu <koray.tahiroglu@gmail.com>

Hi all,

I am going to be in London this spring for 3 months in research exchange in Goldsmiths, I have been already here for 2 weeks time, mostly putting my things together.

I would be happy to join in Pd events or in anything related, seminars, gigs, talks, exhibitions, regular pub meetings you are organizing.

please let me know if anything happens, directly to my email :)


M.Koray Tahiroğlu
Department of Media,
Aalto University 
School of Arts, Design and Architecture
tel. +358 50 4088441

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Thomas Grill