Ok, cool.

I add the previous code links here for us to remember:



Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Dan Wilcox <danomatika@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2017 8:48 PM
To: Lucas Cordiviola
Cc: Miller Puckette; Pd-List
Subject: Re: DejaVu Font: Shipping & using on W32
Cool, good to know that in theory it works. I also found a related solution which uses a different extension do the same thing: http://wiki.tcl.tk/22262

However, I’d say that requiring a tcl/tk extension may not be the best overall solution since historically Pd has avoided requiring anything beyond the base tcl/tk.

A possible best approach is take the example C code for the forum post and make a *tiny* custom extension that is built only on Windows and loaded by the tk gui in order to load the private font. I don’t think we can simply add the font loading code to the core itself since it’s a separate process from the gui.

In any case, this is something I can look into after I put together a triple boot machine to test some things on different platforms, including the vanilla autotools build on win.

On Feb 13, 2017, at 10:43 AM, Lucas Cordiviola <lucarda27@hotmail.com> wrote:

Following Dan`s suggestion to ship & use a font without installing it, I came to a very straight-forward method for w32.

Tested & working.

It uses a Tcl Windows API extension. (600KB)

twapi web:

twapi package:

added lines on "pd-gui.tcl" @line 24:

# adding dejavu fonts on mswindows
package require twapi
twapi::AddFontResourceEx DejaVuSansMono.ttf
twapi::AddFontResourceEx DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf


Don't know how to exclude this "package require" for the other OSs.
The .ttf were placed on pd/bin for simplicity.

Dan Wilcox