I released today a library, still in very early and experimental stage - where future releases may not respect backwards compatibility, until a final release is made. The release is mostly meant to a current class I'm teaching, I only wanted to share it when a final release - or at least a beta one - was ready. but anyway, I did create some noise objects, inspired and stole from SuperCollider.
They are:

Full objects list at https://github.com/porres/pd-else 

and the release is here (currently alpha3) https://github.com/porres/pd-else/releases

I'm now very interested in chaotic generators, and I can glady work on more of those...

I'm currently working on cloning LorenzL from SC...


2017-04-05 18:19 GMT-03:00 cyrille henry <ch@chnry.net>:
you can try :

+~ 1
*~ 1000
tabread4~ strange_noisy_waveshape

or a feedback loop with a strange attractor


Le 05/04/2017 à 23:08, Matt Davey a écrit :
obviously [noise~] does a decent job with white noise, but i'm interested what sorts of other processes there are to generate noise, particularly noise more reminiscent of analogue machines.

or even really weird digital lo-fi approaches or anything like that.

basically, [noise~] alone is not cutting it for what i want.

my current go-to approach is:

[* 10000]
[expr~ $v1 * 2 - 1]

but for sure there must be heaps more interesting methods to get good (or super evil) sounding noise.

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