Again, I don't see any advantage in having [coll] behaving
as it was first designed in cyclone. If you want that just so
you can ensure a bang from a trigger is sent out after [coll]
read a file, that kind of assurance comes at a cost of audio
drop outs, and if it doesn't really cause drop outs in the
first place (since it is only a "potential" issue), it is not
really doing anything... as the same would occur n the
threaded version! the threaded version only really acts in the
case of audio drop outs - and only when reading large files
(and not any other kind of operation).
On the other hand, the threaded version offers the
advantage of no audio drop outs, as it is in Max... this
happens with no compromise as you can (and should) rely on the
3rd outlet bang if you want to schedule an action for when it
is done reading a file.
Looking at coll up to cyclone 0.1alpha57, it always had a
3rd outlet to bang when file read is done, and it would always
cause drop outs for large files. I don't know how to consider
how things are in cyclone 0.2, but one could consider that the
threaded option is gone...
For an update of cyclone, I'm really considering the so
called threaded version by default, as it offers a very
relevant advantage of avoiding drop outs. This change does
have a compromise, but it is not a big compromise and we can
just document how it affects the object, and how one should
always rely on the 3rd outlet bang instead of a trigger... we
can also provide an option to go back to the old behavior, but
I don't really think anyone would really opt and care for that
as it does have a serious drop out issue.