Thanks guys, but the latency is still around 20ms when I don't use the soundcard (I just tried it with the built in mic-that's the same as jack for all intensive purposes, right?). Any other suggestions as to how I can get it lower? I really wanna use it for live performance.

Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 05:22:50 +0000
Subject: [PD] latency issue

Hi guys-I just have another fairly simple question. I'm running PD on a macbook pro with a 2.26 Intel Core 2 duo processor, 2 gig of memory 1067 MHz DDR3, and I'm using a terratec Phase 24FW external sound card. On my other computer (which was far inferior) using this soundcard with Cubase I had a latency of around 6ms (I couldn't get PD to run on it so I have no basis for comparison there), but running PD on this new setup I can't get the latency down below 20ms with it turning to mush. What do I need to change to get the latency down below 10ms-the soundcard, more ram, or is the processor just too slow?

Thanks so much.

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