and that the other fft objects can't handle it yetactually, [rifft~] *can* handle multi-channel signals, it just missed the CLASS_MULTICHANNEL flag. I just pushed a fix to develop.
[fft~] and [ifft~] still single-channel, but personally I don't
care because I have never used them :-)
oh, I also see rfft~ takes multichannel signals, but this is not yet documented and that the other fft objects can't handle it yet, I created this ticket for it in pddp
Em ter., 20 de jun. de 2023 às 14:12, Alexandre Torres Porres <> escreveu:
So great, can't remember being this excited about a release, thanks!
A few things. Looks like we have the double precision app. At least deken detects Darwin-amd64-float64 and Pd refuses to load my externals.
By the way, I hope there is time to merge the branch where both float32/64 live together!
Sigmund~ is still at version 0.7 in the code, but this is a newer version. And I don't get the version printed anymore when loading the object as it used to do. Somehow the post doesn't happen.
In the new tabbed preferences we have 'path preferences' / 'startup preferences' / 'audio preferences' / 'midi preferences' / 'misc preferences' and I think it is redundanct to have 'preferences' al lthe time, wince we are already under the "preferences" window. We could just have 'path' / 'startup' / 'audio' / 'midi' / 'misc' instead.
I also hope there is time to include at least the 'font weight' settings in 'misc' as I proposed.
I hope and wish we can also add message methods to change the multichannel settings of [clone], see
Em ter., 20 de jun. de 2023 às 01:47, Miller Puckette <> escreveu:
To Pd-announce:
Pd version 0.54-0test1 is available from
or (source only) via github:
New features include multi-channel signal connections and updated
windows audio. The new window version uses an audio subsystem that
became available in windows 7 (so won't work on Windows XP any more but
should be fine for windows 7 or newer). There are many other
improvements and updates.
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