Oh. It seems related. In the example patch from the bug you mentionned we have something like:
y_green_hotspot = y_red*2 + y_green
with y_green_hotspot and y_red relative to y_ds, and y_green relative to y_red.
In my patch we have:
- no problem with dots' hotspots
- for each drawnumbers :
x_hotspot = x_number*2
y_hotspot = y_number*2
relative to y_ds.
There is an obvious link: this *2 which shifts hotspots.
---- Message d'origine ----
>De : "Jonathan Wilkes"
>À : "mac2k1@netcourrier.com" ;
> "Pd-list@iem.at"
>Objet : Re: [PD] Data structure: drawnumbers in an array
>Date : 11/10/2012 20:38:03 CEST
>Is this the bug you're describing?
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2457992&group_id=557
> 36&atid=478070
> >________________________________
> > From: "mac2k1@netcourrier.com"
> >To: Pd-list@iem.at
> >Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 12:21 PM
> >Subject: [PD] Data structure: drawnumbers in an array
> >
> >
> >Dear List,
> >
> >I have an issue with a data structure consisting of a rectangle and an
> array of dots, with x/y coordinates and a z value for each dot. I displayed
> the z value with [drawnumber]. See the attached patch.
> >
> >I can clic and move the dots. However, mouse clics do not seem to reach the
> number area correctly. There seems to be a wrong scaling of mouse
> coordinates when trying to reach numbers nested in arrays. In pd 0.43
> vanilla and 0.42.5 extended.
> >
> >I remember a behavior of the same kind with objects filled with lots of
> text lines. This one was apparently fixed in pd 0.43.
> >
> >I wish I could enter my numbers by mouse or keyboard, but for now I can
> handle them via the data properties window.
> >
> >Clem
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> >Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
> >UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd
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> >
> >
> >