> cool, but I only see 1 exponential parameter for all lines.
then look closer ;-)
hmm, I was looking at ceadsr~-help.pd, I now see you were talking about the other one. Anyway, ceadsr~ seems to be quite similar and I got the general idea. Thanks for the reference, I shall get back to it later.
Also mrpeach/rc~ does that.
haven't looked closely, but that seems like my else/slew~ object, which converges to within 0.01% of the target value in the given time. One could use [rpole~] instead, and the formula to get the filter coefficient from the time in seconds is: coef = exp(ln(0.001) / (sec * samplerate))
So I'm using this one pole filter from my slew~ object to offer a hardcoded exponential option for both else/asr~ and else/adsr~
I'm avoiding the idea to set a parameter to change the one pole coefficient and also offer that option for envgen~ and stuff to avoid too much complexity, but I've put a pin on it.