Hello !

I'll try to ask this in a few words :

is it possible to dynamically save a $n-symbol as an argument in an abstraction, like you can do with [iemguts/canvasargs] but without "resolving" the $n index declaration ?

The idea would be to reproduce a properties panel as with iem GUIs, and be able to put in symbol boxes, a  $0-receiverSymbolicName or $1-$2-senderSymbolicName and save it as argument ?

I am trying various tricks, but unsuccessfully, see both attached patch...

if someone has a idea or even a solution !
or thinks it's stupid

have a nice day !

Raphaël Ilias
     17 places des Halles - Ingrandes
     49123 Ingrandes Le Fresne s/ Loire
     phae.ilias@gmail.com / +33 (0) 6 04 45 79 78